Thursday 15 September 2011

the film genre book on a nightmare on elm street

the hat, the jersey and, most particularly, the glove became iconic, part of popular culture.
author John Sanders- head of film studies at Bedford modern school.

Wednesday 14 September 2011 ..........wes quote

'I learned to take the first job that you have in the business that you want to get into. It doesn't matter what that job is, you get your foot in the door.'

wes craven on scream 5... perez hilton blog

Here's what Wes Craven had to say about the potential fifth installment in the Scream franchise:

"You know, it's so far in the future. It's gonna be a year [before production would even start on 'Scream 5'] at least, I would think, because even though Kevin sketched out the general notion for '5' and '6', it was not like he had a…ten-page beat sheet. So it's gonna be a matter of if Kevin is of the mind to write again in this franchise, and when will we write? My approach to ['Scream 4'] in general…[was] I love[d] the element of Kevin, I love[d] the element of Courtney Cox and David and Neve…I knew everybody had pretty much signed up, but until I saw a substantial amount of the script I didn't say yes. So that's my approach: 'let's see the script, let's see what they come up with, and then I will or I won't.'"

Tuesday 19 October 2010

presentation part 2 *******

For the famous blood geyser scene, the film makers shot the sequence by turning the entire room upside-down on a gyro set and attaching the camera so that it looked like the room was right side up, then they poured gallons of red water into the room. (The normal movie blood wasn't able to create the right effect for the geyser.)

The spinning room turned incorrectly and caused a premature flood of "blood." According to the DVD commentary, the people pouring the "blood" were shocked when the wires were hit with the water and the room began to spin out of control. Wes Craven remarks that it was like the Ferris Wheel from hell. The power on the set went out and Craven said they were all in the dark and covered in blood.

presentation *********

The development of Wes Craven: How and why?

(Audience seated, lights glow red)
Presenter: He has been an icon in the horror genre. He has challenged the way we think and feel time and time again with his terrifying plots, in depth characters and unexpected twists.
This man lives and breathes the horror genre, ladies and gentleman Wes Craven!
(The lights rise up to a screen)
Item 1:Interview with Wes Craven
Presenter: In the interview Wes talks about himself as a director and how he would like to be thought of after death, he also states that he believes the world revolves around violence, this is a constant theme in his films.
Presenter: Now we will look at one of Wes Cravens early films.
Item 2:Johnny Depps death
Presenter: And now we will compare the clip we have just watched to this one from his 2000 hit scream 2.
Item 3: Scream 2 death